iPad Air 13 pouces (2025) Coque magnétique Flip avec porte-stylet - Black
Compatibilité : Uniquement pour iPad Air 13 pouces (2025)
Modes d'utilisation multiples : 3 modes paysage pour regarder, créer et écrire, et un mode portrait pour naviguer facilement à tout moment et en tout lieu
Support ultra-stable : Surface de support élargie, combinée à la rainure magnétique, offrant une excellente stabilité
Fine et légère : Design ultra-mince pour un ajustement parfait et une excellente prise en main sans ajouter de volume à votre tablette

iPad Air 13 pouces (2025) Coque magnétique Flip avec porte-stylet - Black
Will my screen still be responsive with this screen protector applied?
Yes. This screen protector is only 0.3 mm thick and perfectly adheres to your screen to ensure that your touchscreen stays just as responsive and your Pencil just as precise.
Is this screen protector easy to clean?
Yes. This screen protector has a thin oleophobic coating on its surface that prevents fingerprint and smudge buildup and makes cleaning your screen as easy as a wipe with a damp cloth.
Is this screen protector scratch resistant?
Yes. This screen protector is made from hard tempered-glass to ensure that it stays scratch and crack free while defending your screen against damage from keys, pens, cables, and other sharp objects.
Is this screen protector easy to apply?
Yes. This screen protector’s easy application tray and included cleaning kit ensures quick and easy bubble-free application every time.

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