iPhone 15 Plus Tempered Glass Screen Protector ZT03
iPhone 15 Plus Tempered Glass Screen Protector ZT03

iPhone 15 Plus Tempered-Glass Screen Protector Set - 3 Screen Protectors

Enjoy 15% Off Sitewide with code: NWESR
Regular price $9.99
Sale price $9.99 Regular price
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Tough protection to keep your iPhone 15 series' screen and lenses in pristine condition

iPhone 15 Plus Tempered Glass Screen Protector ZT03

iPhone 15 Plus Tempered-Glass Screen Protector Set - 3 Screen Protectors

Regular price $9.99
Sale price $9.99 Regular price
Unit price

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

I was shocked how quality this product was the thickness the packaging which makes it so easy to apply without air bubbles, this will definitely be my go to for screen protectors.


Great screen protector. The edges are black so you don’t see where the typical screen protectors don’t adhere. I had to use two protectors to get it right. The first time I didn’t use the dust sticker again after I put the green piece over the phone. So I think I had a couple of pieces of dust and it left two bubbles that I wasn’t able to remove. The process is genius through with no worry if you have it straight.The lens cover was not for my 16 plus though. The cover has two diagonal circles not straight up and down so it is not for a regular 16 plus.


Great protection


Its a set of 3 screen protectors with set of wet & dry wipes as well as dust remover sticker also they provided the whole kit to apply the screen protector and it works like charm any newbie can easily use it and apply screen protector like a pro. The screen protector is really tough it lasted me for almost a year but it attracts a few scratches. The camera protectors are not that great gets scratched and broken within few months.

Starker Schutz für dein Display

ESR Displayschutz-Set aus gehärtetem Glas
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Militärnorm Schutz


Militärnorm Schutz

Art von Displayschutz, der du vertrauen kannst. Streng nach

SGS-zertifizierten Militärstandards getestet & kann Stößen bis

zu 15kg standhalten, um starken Schutz gegen alltägliche

Ausrutscher & versehentliche Stöße zu bieten. Stelle sicher,

dass Verlust nicht zu Rückgang deines Bankguthabens führt.

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slider image image_9ztUVM
Mikrogekrümmte Kanten

Wunderschön nahtlos

Mikrogekrümmte Kanten

Folgt den exakten Konturen des Displays der iPhone 15-Serie,

um Staub fernzuhalten und umfassenden Schutz zu bieten.

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slider image image_cnJzhD

Doppelte Kratzfestigkeit

Doppelte Kratzfestigkeit

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Unsichtbarer Schutz

Bleibe originell

Unsichtbarer Schutz

Individuelles Design und ultraklares Glas bieten Schutz ohne

Auswirkungen auf Stil oder Fotos.

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slider image image_mmdnLA

Einfaches Anbringen

Linsen Anbringen

Die Ausrichtungshilfe für die Linsen Schutzfolie macht die blasenfreie Anbringung zum Kinderspiel.

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slider image image_TRP6PY
Voller Face-ID Support

Einfach Schick

Voller Face-ID Support

Dank transparentem Glas, Face ID wie gewohnt verwenden

& pixelgenaue FaceTime- & Selfies genießen.

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slider image image_f96yHe

Sauber und klar


Spezielle Beschichtung ist öl-, wasser- & schmutzabweisend,

sodass sauberer Display bleibt.

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slider image image_pMx68q

Easy 4-Step Application

Easy 4-Step Application


Stoppt es Fingerabdrücke?

Sammelt sich Staub an den Rändern?

Beeinflusst es die Linsen beim Fotografieren?

Geht es kaputt, wenn ich mein Handy fallenlasse?

Hat es Auswirkungen auf meine Face ID?

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