15W Autoladegerät mit MagSafe + CryoBoost - Cool Grey
Kompatibilität: Für alle iPhones mit MagSafe (Serie 12 oder neuer), offizielle MagSafe-Hüllen, ESR MagSafe-Hüllen und den HaloLock™ Universal Ring
Noch schnelleres Laden: 15W Entwickelt für MagSafe-Schnellladung und Handykühlungstechnologie maximieren die Ladegeschwindigkeit
Bleibt kühler: Der Handylüfter und die Wärmeableitungstechnologie halten dein Handy während des Ladevorgangs kühl
Power in a Snap: Sofortige Montage und Aufladung von MagSafe

15W Autoladegerät mit MagSafe + CryoBoost - Cool Grey
Is this really fast charging?
We have Apple's official certification to support 15W charging. At the same time. this product has a built-in fan, which will cool the phone during the charging process. These can make the phone charge quickly.
Will my phone fall off If I drive over bumpy roads?
No. The charger has a magnetic strength of 1.200 g to ensure that your phone stays securely attached. For the strongest MagSafe lock. pair with an ESR HaloLock case for a magnetic strength of 2000g.
Is the vent clip actually strong enough to support It on the air vent?
This magnetic charger is designed with a support arm for added stability to ensure a secure mount. To ensure stability while driving, make sure to
follow our installation steps by either watching our Installation video of reading the included manual
Can use this with an IPhone with a case?
This wireless charger is compatible with a caseless iPhone with MagSafe (12 series or later). an ESR HaloLock case. an official MagSafe case, or a
Standard case with the HaloLock Universal Ring

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