iPad Pro 11 and Air 5 4 Paper Feel Magnetic Screen Protector 2
Paper Feel Magnetic Screen Protector
iPad Pro 11 and Air 5 4 Paper Feel Magnetic Screen Protector 2
Paper Feel Magnetic Screen Protector

iPad Pro 11″ (4./3./2./1. Generation) und Air 5/4 Paper Feel Magnetische Displayschutzfolie - 1 Pack

Enjoy 15% Off Sitewide with code: NWESR
Regulärer Preis $15.99
Verkaufspreis $15.99 Regulärer Preis $23.99

Magnetisch befestigter Displayschutz, der die Verwendung eines Stifts so erscheinen lässt, als würde man auf Papier schreiben oder zeichnen

iPad Pro 11 and Air 5 4 Paper Feel Magnetic Screen Protector 2

iPad Pro 11″ (4./3./2./1. Generation) und Air 5/4 Paper Feel Magnetische Displayschutzfolie - 1 Pack

Regulärer Preis $15.99
Verkaufspreis $15.99 Regulärer Preis $23.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews

really nice protector it looks great with an anti glare finish and is durable. it doesn’t have a definite paper feel. the magnet is secure so it won’t fall off the screen and aligns snugly


Don't go for any imported Product ..Very Good Product..Worth it


Not sure what people are expecting when it comes to the magnetic attachment of this screen sheet - mine’s. never fallen off, slipped or moved in the slightest. It definitely changes the feel of a pencil/stylus on the screen, but that’s was why I bought it, in part. The biggest benefit I get from it is the complete removal of glare from the screen. No more flashes of light, or reflections making it impossible to see what you’re watching - especially handy on public transport or as a passenger in a car. I have notes a few bumps when it comes to the screen response behind the filter, but not if the screen and the filter are kept clean. Would but again if I changed iPad & screen size.


Der Magnet der Folien hält nicht gut, deswegen benutzte ich diese schon nicht mehr häufig. Grundsätzlich tolle Idee und ebenfalls tolles Produkt, dieser Fehler sollte aber behoben werden

Sarah D.

Ich nutze das iPad gerne für Mindmaps und zum Lesen / Arbeiten. Durch die Paperfeel-Folie ist das noch angenehmer, weil der Apple Pen nicht verrutscht. Es fässt sich angenehmer an. Die Folie lässt sich einfach auftragen.

Transform Your Screen to Create

ESR Paper-Feel Magnetic Screen Protector
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slider image image_8HYaWP
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slider image image_8kk9GW

Easy Magnetic Attachment

Easy Magnetic Attachment

Best of Both Worlds

Best of Both Worlds

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slider image image_BWBTFG
slider image image_MN6KCQ
slider image image_MN6KCQ

Paper-feel Surface

Transform your tablet into a digital canvas or notebook

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slider image image_gKfcDg

Transform Your Tablet

Transform Your Tablet

Take notes, draw digital art, or
create just like you would on paper

Take notes, draw digital art, or
create just like you would on paper

slider image image_yPcmbT
slider image image_yPcmbT

Protect Your Screen

Protect Your Screen

Works with a tempered-glass

screen protector to resist scratches

*Must be less than 0.33 mm thick

Works with a tempered-glass screen protector to resist scratches

*Must be less than 0.33 mm thick

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slider image image_f96yHe

Environmentally Friendly

Protector can be attached and used at least 100,000 times

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slider image image_TRP6PY

Magnetic Strength

Powerful Magnetic Strength

Attaches securely to your screen

3,000 g magnetic strength

Attaches securely to your screen

3,000 g magnetic strength

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slider image image_xEK473

No More Glares

No More Glares

Special finish resists glare from
outdoor or indoor lighting

Special finish resists glare from
outdoor or indoor lighting

slider image image_rBd4U3
slider image image_rBd4U3

Keep it Safe

No More Glares

Tuck away your paper-feel magnetic screen
protector in the included envelope when
you're on the go

Tuck away your paper-feel magnetic screen protector in the included envelope when you're on the go


Is it easy to attach?

Will my screen still be responsive with this screen protector applied?

Can I use it on top of a tempered-glass screen protector?

How can I keep the protector safe when its not in use?

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