Can I change the contents of my order after I’ve placed it?
If your order has not been shipped yet, you can cancel your order and reorder again.
If your order has already been shipped out, we will unfortunately not be able to change its contents.
If you ordered the wrong thing by mistake, there are 2 possible solutions:
1.You can place a new order on our website for the product you actually wanted. You can then return the incorrect product to us at a later date for a refund. We will only be able to issue the refund once we receive the original item. This is typically the fastest way to receive the correct product.
2.You can wait for the incorrect order to arrive and send it back to us. We will contact you when we receive it. Please note that we will only be able to send the new product after receiving the original item.
If you'd like to return or exchange an item, please submit a ticket here[] to our customer support team.
*Please note that we will be unable to cover any shipping fees incurred from this process.
Can I change the contents of my order after I’ve placed it?
If your order has not been shipped yet, you can cancel your order and reorder again.
If your order has already been shipped out, we will unfortunately not be able to change its contents.
If you ordered the wrong thing by mistake, there are 2 possible solutions:
1.You can place a new order on our website for the product you actually wanted. You can then return the incorrect product to us at a later date for a refund. We will only be able to issue the refund once we receive the original item. This is typically the fastest way to receive the correct product.
2.You can wait for the incorrect order to arrive and send it back to us. We will contact you when we receive it. Please note that we will only be able to send the new product after receiving the original item.
If you'd like to return or exchange an item, please submit a ticket here[] to our customer support team.
*Please note that we will be unable to cover any shipping fees incurred from this process.