Paperlike Screen Protectors for iPad Air 3

Best Paper-like Screen Protectors for iPad Air 3 & iPad Pro 10.5!

Ever wondered why there was so much fuss about the iPad Air 3 and the iPad Pro 10.5? I bet you have no idea!

I loved the fuss about it so, I can boldly say that it was an additional reason for my purchase. Call me an iPad maniac, well, thanks as that is just going to be another sobriquet for me.

So, what is this fuss? Glad to let you know it is the paper-like screen protector! I am super excited because this tickles my fancy!

Maybe (and just maybe) you haven’t heard about what I am about to share yet, it will be my pleasure to unveil this to you.

on the flip side, if this does not sound novel to you, that is great but I bet you would do you a whole world of good if you still digest this as I will be uncovering some new information that would prove useful for you.

So, grab some ham-burger and smoothies as we do some unveiling!


First off, if you own an iPad, be it the iPad air 3 or pro 10.5, the first thing that should grip your mind is how to protect it.

It is quite understandable if you get blown with your new purchase at first, but once the euphoria is gone you should spring into action by purchasing a screen protector because as the common phrase goes– protection first!

The need for a screen protector can never be overemphasized because anything can happen at any time.

Perhaps you need a conviction from me as to why you need to purchase a screen protector and I will gladly give you a thousand and one of them.

With the ongoing pandemic, your health should be of more importance than anything else. Gadget’s surfaces are a perfect habitation for viruses and bacteria, the screen especially hence, you will be needing a screen protector sooner than expected.

So, avoid unnecessary visit to the hospital by purchasing the best screen protector now!

Also, think of your everyday activities, from the swift movement to how you place your device on surfaces such as tables, mattress and sofa.

A little scratch on the device or mistaken drop can cause you the pain of having to do a screen replacement hence, the need for a screen protector – more bills!

My box of pizza is never leaving my side (I mean, I carry it around, lol) and I also love additional mayonnaise on my burgers so, my fingers get sticky almost always! Ew!

If you are like me who always love to munch on snacks every now and then, sorry ain’t sorry but you really need to make a screen protector.

Having known this, it is right about time I let you in on these amazing deals. Now when I say screen protectors, I do not mean just any type of screen protectors but the best of the best.

In the subsequent paragraphs, I will unveil the best paper-like screen protectors you can purchase for your iPad air 3 and iPad pro 10.5

DEAL #1: iPad air 3 & iPad pro 10.5 paper-like screen protector Price: $20.99

Key features

  • fingerprint-resistant and anti-glare
  • apple pencil & face ID compatibility
  • accurate simulations (writing and drawing)
  • super easy installation

The first alluring deal for you is the ESR paper-like screen protector. With its full screen coverage, you are sure to enjoy maximum screen protection.

In terms of compatibility, this screen protector type is designed particularly for the 7th generation iPad, 2019, which is 10.2 inch in dimension and also the 2017 iPad pro which is 10.5 inch in dimension.

I am no killjoy but this would not work with any other models aside the ones mentioned above.

We all want to protect our devices form intruders so, we settle for the fingerprint lock screen but sometimes, it becomes quite uncomfortable when our backlight turns off quickly and we cannot keep up with having to use the fingerprint. Worry less, as this screen protector possesses a matte surface which helps prevent fingerprints.

If you are that nerdy one who uses a pair of glasses, it will excite you further to know that the anti-glare feature that comes with this particular screen protector will help decrease the external rays from either the natural light or the artificially induced ones – no more squints!

With 0.13mm in thickness, be sure to enjoy increased sensitivity as you engage the apple pencil. However, it is note-worthy to know that this screen protector will not in any way alter the quality of your audio or the face ID functions as a cut out has been made to accommodate the microphone and front camera.

Imagine the way you use your pen on paper, this is the exact way it works with this screen protector. You get that writing and drawing feel.

The installation is super easy provided you follow the instruction that comes with it.

Product bundle: screen protector bundle

DEAL #2: iPad air 10.5 2019/ iPad pro 10.5 clear screen protector – Price: $10.99

Key features

  • ultra-thin with HD clarity
  • high sensitivity
  • fingerprint resistant
  • decreases glare
  • easy installation

Up next is the ESR iPad air 10.5 2019/iPad pro 10.5 clear screen protector.  You are in for maximum enjoyment with this edge to edge screen protection. It is ultra-thin and gives that HD clarity for a nicer and clearer view.

In terms of compatibility, the only models that will work with this particular clear screen protector the iPad air 3 20119/iPad pro 10.5-inch 2017.

With its high sensitivity feature, all thanks to its 0.13mm thickness, you are guaranteed of a high touch sensitivity as you maximize your apple pencil use.

Hold on a sec! you mean I no longer have to squint at those tiny writings anymore? Well, yes. The matte surface helps to decrease the glares from light. Super cool, isn’t it?

Also, its fingerprint-resistivity feature is super cool… you should give it a try!

This is no rocket science! You do not have to rack your brain for installation process as easy as this. All you need do is to follow the instructions and voila! You are done installing! Plus, the installation kits are free on purchase.

Product bundle: clear screen protector bundle

DEAL #3: iPad air 2019/iPad pro 10.5 tempered glass screen protector – Price: $15.99

Key features

  • HD protection
  • Anti-scratch
  • High touch sensitivity
  • Bubble free installation

The last but definitely not the least of the deal is the iPad air 2019/iPad pro 10.5 tempered glass screen protector.

However, this is not compatible with any other model asides from the 3rd generation apple iPad air which is 10.5 inch in dimension and the 2017 model iPad pro with dimension 10.5 inch.

What is more amazing than a HD protection with glass that gives almost a 100% transparency and at the same time keeping the original quality of the HD retina?

The sole essence of a tempered glass is to protect your iPad from any form of scratch. From key scratch to heavy objects brushing against your screen, due to the toughness of the screen you can be sure to enjoy premium anti-scratch.

Also, you do not have to worry about camera scratch as the screen protector is positioned over the camera to help protect it.

There is no obstruction whatsoever while you put this screen protector on your iPad, appreciation goes to the 0.3mm thickness of the protector screen.

The icing on the cake that caps it all is its installation process which is bubble-free. Wowed? Well, I am. All you need to do to achieve this is to dock the self-installation applicator on your iPad while you place the screen protector on the holder.

Product bundle: tampered glass bundle

On the whole…

So, I am thinking why it took so long for you to notice these best paper-like screen protectors with such amazing features.

I bet you can never go wrong with purchasing any of the above listed paper-like screen protectors. So, what are you waiting for? Go purchase one asap!

Happy purchase!


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